суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Horoscope, Oct 10-20: Thereapos;ll be no pleasing you, so donapos;t lead people on. Youapos;re not in the mood -- for anything. If youapos;re grumpy, come right out and say so. Time alone at your place far away from the madding crowds might be best. No, would be best.....

It must be hormones, because you havenapos;t been this cranky since high school. Try a nice, hot cup of tea. If that doesnapos;t work, call up a close friend and vent, vent, vent.
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crystal falls texas

I donapos;t know if it has been posted yet, but there is another Japanese magazine that just came out, catering towards Lolitas as well as punk, otome-kei and more casual styles. I saw it in NYC Kinokuniya today.

Itapos;s called Deco Alice, and of course, as the name indicates, a lot of itapos;s contents are something related to Alice, from glassware to CDs to movies and books, things like that. Though, despite having apos;decoapos; in itapos;s name, itapos;s not really about deco-den but there is a lot of things on furniture for those who would rather have their home match their elegant or cute lifestyle.

Itapos;s sort of like KERA, in the sense that they sometimes mix the styles featured together rather than having the basic cookie-cutter look, so I think itapos;s a good source of inspiration for those who would like to put Lolita or itapos;s influences into a more toned-down, day-to-day outfit.

Just letting those know, if you havenapos;t seen it yet. XD;

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counter revolutions

So, Iapos;m not sure why Iapos;m feeling so tired all of the sudden. Last night I slept pretty good, even got to bed at a decent hour... And yet, I still hit the snooze, slept in 20 minutes, and still feel like I need more sleep. And yesterday I had the same problem. I donapos;t want to spend every weekend sleeping 15 hours a day. On the other hand, I donapos;t want to feel this tired during my days, especially when Iapos;m trying to concentrate on work or a class that is already boring. I drifted off again in my archaeological methods class both days this week; Iapos;m pretty sure it wasnapos;t even worth it for me to go because I took down very few notes and I donapos;t remember much of what the professor talked about. Scratch that: I donapos;t remember anything the professor talked about.
In other news, tonight I am probably going over to Cameronapos;s house to hang out with him and some of his friends... Which I did last Friday too, and it helped to temporarily keep my mind off things. At the same time, itapos;s weird, because a) heapos;s my ex, and b) these are his friends. I dunno why the last bothers me, except that Iapos;ve come to the realization that all the people I consider friends that I know in person are people I met through Cameron. I donapos;t think Iapos;ve made a friend on my own since my junior year of high school. How sad is that?
But oh well. You know what? Iapos;m going to try to have fun embarrassing myself on RockBand and matching snarky comments for snarky comments. Weapos;ll see how that goes.
In other, other news.... I am very sick of campus food. I need to buy a fridge and a microwave, so at least I can have some variety in my food. Or borrow money for a meal plan, so I can go to the buffet thing they have here and not have to pay $10 for dinner. Blargh. I canapos;t decide which option would be better. The former would be less expensive, but on the other hand, I hardly ever leave campus, and itapos;s a pain to walk back to my dorm room, so if I wanted lunch or something, Iapos;d have to bring it, which would be okay... But I know myself. I wouldnapos;t make lunch in the morning, because I usually donapos;t leave myself enough time. I wish I had stayed in the dorm room I lived the first 2 years I was here; that place had a kitchen, which was ever so nice.
Bleh, off to get some bland lunch. Hoorah *Sarcasm*

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

electric mortise locks

Well, the last presidential debate has come and gone.

We have been proud to be a key sponsor of the CNN Election Express Yourself bus during the campaign. And as we've been happy to notice... Both Barack Obama and John McCain have recognized the importance of increased funding for clean coal technology.

We'll be watching the next few weeks closely. Check back for more updates on the campaign trail

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bag bio hazard

Isnapos;t ironic, when things are finally clear for you, that some how in this fucked up world, that things fall like rain, and im not talking the like sprinkle...Im talking about when it fucking poors down. when i finally figure that things are finally okay. That i have my head straight...it blows up in my face and it feels like the whole perfect picture just litteraly blew up in my face and i watched it shatter all the way to the ground. Jake came to my work the other day, and i already wasnapos;t having the best day, and he just wanted to talk and at that point that was alright. We were sitting there chatting and stuff and he felt bad because i was crying and thats def. Not cool. And well he kept explaining that things will get better. =( then he explained to me how he was sick and tired of his relationship and how he liked seeing different faces all the time. And proceeded telling me that he wouldnapos;t mind getting back together, giving it another chance, that i truely made him happy, and that i left him entertained. And that we both fucked ourselves over for now. And all this other shit. And since that day, I havenapos;t exactly felt like myself anymore. its like what the FUCK like why does he have to tell me that. He texts me everyday, he wants to chat all the time, he wants to vistit and meet up...its like Fuck. But i mean he was the first person i loved and i guess its really hard to forget someone like that, and well even thought ive been through my share of assapos;s i mean, i enjoyed what good dats we had, and well i dunno. And i love being with jeff, and even thought we have our good and bad days and i know that alot of them are my fault, and i know that im not the easiest person to put up with...but i hate how he treats me like a child, and how he corrects me over anything weather it big or small. i canapos;t see why when i talk to him, things arnt obvious, its like my mind shuts off and im oblivious to each and eveything that he has ever done to me. And for some reason its like i think things will change, but really i think that they will still be the same as the same day i left jake on his pourch and drove away with tears in my eyes and a broken heart. i donapos;t think that he really has changed, and i think that would be way to much to be asking for. I wanna love like i should i donapos;t want all this confusing shit, i want to love, cash it all in...just have it all for one and one only...but somehow its like this world wants my to live like some confused little girl...Im a grown adult....its about that time that i show i can be faithful.I�donapos;t want to live another realationship unfaithful...I just wish i knew...=( damn

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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

curious george party ware

Boise gets earliest snow on record
Valley shivers as winter weather makes a premature appearance

Shawn Raecke/ Idaho Statesman
Big snow flakes fell from the sky early Friday evening turning downtown Boise into one giant snow globe for those people on their way home from work. The snow caught most people of guard like this bicyclist heading down Idaho Street downtown between 8th Street and 9th Street around 5:45 pm.
Statesman staff - Idaho Statesman
Edition Date: 10/11/08

Big snow flakes fell early Friday evening, turning Downtown Boise into a giant snow globe for people on their way home from work. The snow caught many people off guard, including this bicyclist heading down Idaho Street between 8th and 9th around 5:45 p.m. Across the Treasure Valley, tree branches heavy with wet, snow-covered leaves fell on power lines, causing scattered power outages. This is the earliest measurable snowfall in Boise since recordkeeping began in 1898, according to the National Weather Service. At 10 p.m., the Weather Service said 1.7 inches of snow had fallen. The previous earliest recorded snowfall was Oct. 12, 1969, when a little more than an inch fell. And if the snow wasnapos;t enough, meteorologists say winds across southwestern Idaho will average 25 to 40 mph through Saturday afternoon, with gusts up to 55 mph. Sustained winds of 30 to 40 mph are expected, which can make driving difficult.

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celin dieon

Gisteren hadden we al een vermoeden, en vandaag werd het door de huisarts bevestigd. Stephan heeft helaas gordelroos Daarvoor moet hij weer flinke pillen slikken. Deze heeft hij vorig jaar ook gekregen toen hij ook gordelroos kreeg, vlak voor de beenmergtransplantatie. Toen konden ze via de sonde, nu moet hij ze echter elf slikken En meneer is daar geen held in. Ik heb meteen vanmiddag de pillen gehaald en de eerste dosis aan Stephan gegeven. En zowaar ging het nu vrij vlotjes. Hij heeft een kuur van een week, dan moet het al afgenomen zijn of ingedroogd. Mocht dit niet het geval zijn en wat uitgebreid zijn, dan moet Stephan misschien via een infuus de medicijnen krijgen We hopen maar dat het middeltje meteen goed aanslaat, want anders zitten we misschien in de herfstvakantie, volgende week, in het ziekenhuis. We wachten het maar weer af. Het ging al zo'n tijd goed, het zat er een keer in. Voor de rest gaat alles zijn gangetje.

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