суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

counter revolutions

So, Iapos;m not sure why Iapos;m feeling so tired all of the sudden. Last night I slept pretty good, even got to bed at a decent hour... And yet, I still hit the snooze, slept in 20 minutes, and still feel like I need more sleep. And yesterday I had the same problem. I donapos;t want to spend every weekend sleeping 15 hours a day. On the other hand, I donapos;t want to feel this tired during my days, especially when Iapos;m trying to concentrate on work or a class that is already boring. I drifted off again in my archaeological methods class both days this week; Iapos;m pretty sure it wasnapos;t even worth it for me to go because I took down very few notes and I donapos;t remember much of what the professor talked about. Scratch that: I donapos;t remember anything the professor talked about.
In other news, tonight I am probably going over to Cameronapos;s house to hang out with him and some of his friends... Which I did last Friday too, and it helped to temporarily keep my mind off things. At the same time, itapos;s weird, because a) heapos;s my ex, and b) these are his friends. I dunno why the last bothers me, except that Iapos;ve come to the realization that all the people I consider friends that I know in person are people I met through Cameron. I donapos;t think Iapos;ve made a friend on my own since my junior year of high school. How sad is that?
But oh well. You know what? Iapos;m going to try to have fun embarrassing myself on RockBand and matching snarky comments for snarky comments. Weapos;ll see how that goes.
In other, other news.... I am very sick of campus food. I need to buy a fridge and a microwave, so at least I can have some variety in my food. Or borrow money for a meal plan, so I can go to the buffet thing they have here and not have to pay $10 for dinner. Blargh. I canapos;t decide which option would be better. The former would be less expensive, but on the other hand, I hardly ever leave campus, and itapos;s a pain to walk back to my dorm room, so if I wanted lunch or something, Iapos;d have to bring it, which would be okay... But I know myself. I wouldnapos;t make lunch in the morning, because I usually donapos;t leave myself enough time. I wish I had stayed in the dorm room I lived the first 2 years I was here; that place had a kitchen, which was ever so nice.
Bleh, off to get some bland lunch. Hoorah *Sarcasm*

counter revolutions, counter rf vehicle, counter richlite top.

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